Book your seat now for the next MFL tank floor Inspection course.
Are you API 653 Annex G Qualified?
This Qualification is mandatory for conducting MFL inspection.
MAGNETIC FLUX LEAKAGE (MFL) inspection is a method of Advanced NDT used to detect and assess corrosion, pitting and wall loss in lined and unlined metallic storage tanks and pipelines.
40 Hrs MFL (Magnetic Flux Leakage) OEM Training Course.
The class is based on API 653 ANNEX G and SNT-TC-1A qualification and certification. Level I / Level II course and examination.
Training consists of two rotating methods of instruction: classroom and hands-on, 5 days.
MFL Basics
Setup and Scanning Operation.
Defects and Corrosion Profile.
Factors of MFL testing and limitations.
Inspection Process
MFE Mark IV System components
Exercises using the MFE Mark IV System & API 653.
System assembling & disassembling
System Setup
Function test
Manual Scanning
Tank creation
Mapping scanning
Reporting analysis and defect sizing
Exercises and case study.
Material: MFE Enterprises Hand Book, edition 2022
Venue: Cairo, Egypt.
Based on MFE USA head office activity: https://www.mferentals.com/training/?v=fbe46383db39
Attend in a Group and save up to 50%.
بيانات عن الدورة
الناشر : MFE Africa |
اللغة : Arabic/English |
البريد الإلكتروني: Sales@mfeafrica.com |
البلد : Egypt/UAE |
تاريخ البدء : 2025-06-01 |
تاريخ الإنتهاء : 2025-06-05 |
التصنيف : Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) |
سعر : 2500 |