Thornetix is a manufacturer of wireless ultrasound products and accessories for Non-Destructive Testing Applications.
At Thornetix, we bring together software, electronics, and mechanics to deliver truly unique solutions. Our experience and products are with the NDT, maintenance and construction industries.
We are a dynamic team focused on quality and reliability. This gives us the ability to provide excellent value for money.
We focus on giving our customers intuitive and powerful products, not complex and cumbersome.
Starting from scratch, our products are based on the latest technology and a fresh outlook on user workflow.
We proudly announce ARTIO, the world’s first data-logging wireless ultrasonic inspection system for your smartphone.
ARTIO is the world's first and only data-logging wireless ultrasonic inspection system that runs directly from your smartphone.
ARTIO is made by technicians, for technicians. We, too, have spent hours hanging on ropes, crawling on scaffolds, hiking around tank farms and bent into the strangest of shapes to access tight spaces and perform our inspections.
We have designed this experience into ARTIO, taking away the frustration of getting cables caught on the scaffold, eaten up by rope descenders dropping probes and not having a free hand to move around platforms safely and easily.
With ARTIO, the game has changed, finally giving you the freedom to collect and report data comfortably and easily.
ARTIO, fast forward to the present.